Apr 8, 2013

general conference weekend

{daron clapping carter's feet. our newest game we like to play} 

well i can't believe general conference is already over. we literally lived in our basement over the past two days listening to the most uplifting messages. i'm sad the weekend is over but also anxious to get some fresh air and apply the things we learned.

we had the most wonderful company over all throughout conference. friday night, my friend mary stayed with us and we watched the saturday morning session together. then some of daron's family joined us in the afternoon for the second session. that night, we had a small girls night while the boys were at the priesthood session and my friend linsdsay and -her new fiance- T joined us for another slumber party. some of our sunday activities included straightening T's wildly curly hair ;), taking a walk through the neighborhood, making chocolate covered strawberries, and watching the movies Lincoln and Clue. and of course, cooked a lot, ate a lot, and laughed a lot. 

what friends do best. 

oh, and i almost forgot the best part. our baby discovered his toes over the weekend and (like everything else these days) tried to put them in his mouth. it was the best. i have been waiting oh, so very long for this kid to discover those feet! 

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