Jan 8, 2015

looking back at 2014

i am currently making our first-ever family yearbook! i have wanted to make a book of some of our favorite memories at the end of the year for about... hmm... 3 years now. i can't believe i am finally starting the tradition. as i go through the photos from the previous year, it's amazing to me some of the things that i forget. there are some moments/events/situations where i literally have the thought, "i am never going to forget this." and then, what, 6 months goes by and i have completely forgotten about it! how does that happen? my instinct is to blame "pregnancy brain" but since it happens every year... i, well, can't. ha!

a few highlights from 2014...


carter getting his walking on!

and this picture, because i love his face.


discovering crescent bay

disney dates sans carter

& my favorite valentine's day ever.


carter's first signs that he may, one day, eventually like to cuddle. 


daron and i celebrating 4 years of marriage!


our belated honeymoon to italy and greece


girl time

and some major carter &  cousin savi cuteness


independence day spent on coronado island
{i had wanted to spend the 4th at coronado for some time, so this was a dream come true for me!}


an oh, so memorable trip to the high uintas


turning a quarter of a century


moving to san diego!

and announcing that we are expecting!


discovering carter's love for soccer

and finding out we are having a little girl!


an unforgettable trip to NYC!

and enjoying a beautiful white Christmas!

this past year, i really enjoyed watching our baby become a toddler. that transformation was pure fun. of course it had its moments, but this toddler thing is totally where it's at for me. i also am so grateful that daron and i were able to take a few amazing trips this year! with a baby on the way and lots of nursing ahead of me, i don't see us going anywhere far soon. i was looking forward to 2014 being a simple year with not many surprises and for the most part, that is pretty much what it was. our one huge surprise was moving to san diego! i did not see that one coming. it's always fun when life keeps you on your toes.

looking forward to 2015!

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