those of us who live in this country have a lot to be grateful for. that is all i could think about this weekend. how blessed daron and i are and how i hope we never take the freedom and liberties we enjoy for granted. i felt myself almsot brought to tears thinking about what an incredible blessing this is.
these past few days have been filled with basketball, soccer, bbq, swimming, eating, talking, with more eating and more talking, and the best of all family. everyone is leaving and we are very sad. we are already
looking forward to next time. our independence day was filled with exactly what it should be... we were
surrounded by those we love and feeling very proud of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Ahhhhh DB! Sooo stoked that we are blog stockers now! Are you in PRovo?? We should do some yogurtland soon and catch up!! PLeassseee. LOVE your blog, you are a gorgeous couple!!