Aug 21, 2012

Pink or Blue?

i caved in! 
i wanted so badly to not find out the sex of our baby...
but i thought daron may have a heart attack.
(slight exaggeration. but only slight :)

after great persistence in telling me 
1,234 reasons of why we should find out
(trust me i heard it all)
i finally told him the night before our 20 week ultrasound
that i was up for it.

and i'm happy to say i haven't regretted it.
i definitely could have gone this whole pregnancy 
without finding out,
but hey,
here's to marriage and 
future pregnancies!
i am planning on getting my dream
of a surprise one day...
i guess we will just have to wait and see.

i will never forget daron during that ultrasound.
out of no where, he blurted out,
"it's a boy"
in this calm yet i-can't-contain-myself-right-now
type of voice. 
all i kept saying was,
"where!? where!?"

the kid studied ultrasounds in hopes of sneaking a peak
in case i never came around. 
does that boggle your mind?
it did mine. never would have thought to do that...
but hey, his studying paid off!

before we went in, we both made final guesses.
daron guessed it was a boy from the beginning.
me on the other hand, i was clueless.
i could not decide.
i'm starting to wonder about the whole
"mother's intuition thing..."??

after we found out, we were both thrilled.
i would have been happy with either, 
but picturing a boy with daron has been 
really exciting.
i hope the little tyke looks exactly like him...

only 3 more months until we see!


  1. a BOY!! So exciting!!! Can't wait to meet the little guy! :)

  2. I'm so glad you found out! Haha the curiosity may have killed me... I can only imagine how Daron felt! Can't wait to meet that little one!

    -- Shelby

  3. Adorable. I didn't know daron studied ultra sounds! Thy guy never ceases to amaze me. See you tomorrow, sis. Xoxo

  4. Yea! You know I like this post! :) How fun to have a boy with Shalice. I am so happy for you!

  5. AWESOME!!!!! I love this video:) congrats!
