Jan 16, 2015

holiday roundup: halloween & "buzz wight year"

halloween in 2014 was a little chaotic because we moved to san diego two weeks before the holiday. i refused to let all of october go by without doing some of the classic festivities so somehow we fit in a few outings to the pumpkin patch and a night of carving pumpkins.  

the second pumpkin patch we visited, carter was able to try and catch these ducks for a prize. 
i thought he was going to explode from excitement.  

the night we carved pumpkins we announced we were expecting! daron was the mastermind behind creating this display. originally, daron's pumpkin (the one on the left) had these really cool eyes but then they fell out. the original eyes were cool but the new bug eyes cracked me up!

carter was introduced to buzz light year at disneyland and never forgot him. "buzz wight year" {as carter called him} made quite the impression. he must have told me about him 50 million times during the weeks preceding halloween. so naturally, i had to dress him up as buzz light year himself. 

^^to infinity and beyond!

not pictured were mine and daron's jesse and woody costumes. my friend made me the most incredible cow hide chaps and my homemade wig was pretty stellar too. daron, on the other hand, had a mini melt down the night of halloween when he realized i forgot "woody's hat" at my parent's house. 

"babe! i cannot be woody without a hat! they have a whole movie on how woody is not woody without his hat!" 

i convinced him to still dress up and we went trick or treating with new friends in san diego! it was a blast. carter could have trick-or-treated alllllllllll night. the older kids were throwing in the towel while carter was still sprinting to each and every house yelling "trick-or-treat" in his to-die-for-2-year-old-voice. the excitement of getting free candy was almost too much for him to bear.

my favorite moment of halloween was when i did a sneaky and slipped on this lovely halloween mask the morning of while daron was getting ready for work.

you should have seen his face when i rolled over to say good morning.

it was awesome. 

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