Apr 8, 2015



carter discovered goggles
the game of tag
what it means to be "pruney" 
and how it feels to swim all day without a care in the world
(except what junk food is next).

daron called me after work to ask about our day
(carter and i are staying with my parents for a few days because my sister is here with her kids on spring break)
and i told him i basically just watched carter love life today.

i watched him swim around in the pool with his puddle jumper with a ginormous grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear. 
i watched his jaw drop as he watched the big kid cousins do tricks in the pool 
and look around in amazement at the chaos in the spa not knowing what fun activity to participate in next.

it was one of those day where time slowed down
allowing me to really savor all the good moments. 
i never want to forget carter's smile at this age 
and what it is like to watch him discover all of life's simple gems it has to offer,
especially when they are things i remember loving so, so much as a teeny tiny one myself.


you were good to us. 

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