Jan 16, 2017


I'm currently 40.5 weeks pregnant. The scene in the picture above has been one I've been taking in for weeks now. I've thought a lot about how fitting it is to add a fresh baby from heaven at the time of year that is also known for being a fresh start. 

This year, for 2017, I want to work on saying compliments when I think them. I want to see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt. A recent quote I saw on instagram articulated this goal perfectly - 

"Leave people better than you found them."

This particularly applies to Daron, the man that makes our world go round. I don't want positive things I think about Daron to go unsaid. I want Daron to know every little detail and reason of why I love him. I want to express gratitude to him more and tell him more why I appreciate him. I also want to be more patient with my children. My motto this year is "slow to anger." That sounds like I'm a bad mom but I have this habit where I am patient, patient, patient and then all of a sudden I'm really not patient. I also have a goal to read the church lessons before the lessons each Sunday so I can get the most out of them.

On New Years Eve, we were with friends and I was enthusiastically listing off all my aspirations and goals  for the coming year. Suddenly, one of the husbands in the room said, "This sounds good but you should probably just have the goal to get through this first year because you never know what life with a new baby is like." I was totally taken back but burst out laughing because he was sooo right! It was a total reality check for me. Somehow I forgot how unpredictable life is with a newborn and about how the only constant thing that first year is change and that I don't start accomplishing a regular to-do list for months - if I'm lucky!

So, with that, I also have one more goal - to be patient with myself. 

So excited for you, 2017!!!! 
{Favorite pictures of the year so far below}

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