May 23, 2011

Crazies on the 15

The I-15 is crackin' me up lately.
There are some serious crazies on this freeway!
Unfortunately, I have not been able to capture them all.
The best ones will have to just stay memories of my own mind.

a dancing dinosaur
(this guy really was scary)

I spotted him with Daron's sisters, kirstin and becca,
on the way up to slc.
The first time we tried to video him he changed lanes.
This video is of the 2nd time. By now, he caught on to the fact that we were
terrified/entertained by him.

(beware, loud screams)

(spotted with jessica parker, also on the way to slc)

Bangs from another era.

can you see those!?
this makes me wonder if people are confused what decade we are in.
however, i must say this woman and i were twins when i was 5.
i had the exact same hair do.

(the most recent)

Mind you, this hefty man is driving this in the pouring rain.
it wasn't sprinkling.

my windshield wipers were working full speed so i could see.
i don't know how he did it.

i am sad these are the only ones i have on camera/video.
there have been way too many more of these random incidences 
that were too quick to capture.
if i keep going though i am going to have quite the collection, if i do say so myself.

come on I-15,
what do you have for me next??

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