Sep 8, 2011

post vacation blues

this morning did not go so well. not terrible. but not good. 
i had a very ambitious plan to get up at 5:30 to:
-read scriptures
-work out
-grocery shop
-get ready for the first "real 1st day" of work
-stop by L-ham's due to a blonde moment
-and (here's the kicker) arrive to work on time

my morning:
-alarm goes off... for 2 hours. the first time i hear it is at 7:20 
(there goes the first 3 items on my list and possibly my husband)
it is all i can do to get ready, stop by L-hams and be at work on time.
morning is rushed. i know i am not getting any breakfast because i did not make it to the grocery store.
bad mood starts. this chic does not skip breakfast. ever.

L-ham kindly dyed my hair last night. 

a drop of color happened to land on my face.
i thought "NBD" i'll scrub it off in the morning.
how naive of me. 10 minutes of hard core scrubbing, not a spec has gone.
i am pleading with daron to help me. when he finally does he yells "oh my gosh, it dyed the hair on your face!"
(my peach fuz people...)
and the next thing i know... there is a razor shaving my face.
(WOW. this morning is not going well)

now in the car, loadsss of traffic. there would be.
i arrive at lindsays. the GEM of a person makes a smoothie for me because she knows i didn't get breakfast
(can you believe that?? i have the most amazing friends)
she runs out with the book that i needed and a beautiful smoothie. 
then, starving, i gorge myself with way too large of a spoon full and PLOP!
onto my new dress ;) oh how lovely.
screaming and panic. is all i could remember.
however, once again. L-ham rescues me by grabbing a week old towel from my car
and successfully removing all the smoothie leaving only a dark spot. 
which, for the situation, was pretty darn great.
(don't you love when you do a bad thing a.k.a not clean out your car and it turns out being very handy?? i sure do) 
i arrive at work. 5 minutes late. oh so close!

my co-worker makes fun of me. says my dress makes me looks like i have a 
for reals. can a girl get a break!?
no..not in the cards today. 
the whole wear a slip thing may have slipped my mind while getting
the brown spot/razor off my face.

have you ever noticed how vacations are like this!? you have the time of your life
but then life just comes swingin' at you with a sledge hammer. 
oh glory...i can't say i take it back though. no no i can't.

1 comment:

  1. haha i'm laughing so hard right now!!! you're a crack up! miss you! come visit again soon!
