Oct 10, 2011

one fine day

or more correctly stated. one fine 48 hours. it all started with church yesterday morning. i got the giggles...it was bad. you know how that is. something is funny and so you start laughing. then you can't stop laughing because you are laughing at the most inappropriate time and place possible. it's terrible. but so great at the same time.

later daron and i watched the movie "one fine day". 

finally. i have been wanting to for weeks now. and it's official. that movie is one of my favorites. i have really been appreciating the 90's lately. however, i am known to be the worst movie critic. my friends don't trust anything i say. (i sort of can't blame them when my "favorites list" consists of: "the mummy"...yes i love brandon fraiser. "she's the man" and "jurassic park." no i don't like to think during my movies. needless to say daron and i have opposite movie taste) anyway. this movie did it in for me. "it" being the holidays. it put me into the holiday spirit. i could feel my body beaming as i saw christmas decorations in the stores, as they drank hot chocolate and cozied up in their homes due to cold weather. 

and. now i'm gonna say it. i want snow. oh yes. it's true. i don't just want it. i am craving it. the summer tan is gone. sayonara to that 3 weeks ago. and unfortunately my beach bod went with it. my winter coat is on. i am ready for winter snow flakes. i am ready for boots, hats, scarves, and tights. i am ready for our winter wonderland. for fires and soups. for chili and christmas lights.  for coats and long sleeves. i am as shocked as you are that i am writing this.

and i really like my husband in his "alaskan" outfit. i think it is really hott when he dresses like this. he looks manly and like he could protect me from anything. and he doesn't dress like this unless there is snow.

last night daron and i took a scooter ride and went exploring around lehi. yes, lehi is possible to be explored. the mountains were magnificent. it was the strangest feeling. it was almost as if i had never noticed them before. i was seeing them in a different light. they made me feel so small yet so invigorated. they made me feel as though i could conquer the world. just one mountain peak at a time. 
our fine sunday even trickeled onto monday. i woke up this morning and read out of the book "Daughters in my Kingdom: The Hisotry and Work of Relief Society" about how we, as women, need to be filling our precious time with those things that are of eternal importance. just after i read that, daron stopped getting ready and we took a time out. where we just cuddled together in the early morning talking about nothing and squeezing each other as tight as we could. i thought about how i couldn't think of a better use of my time. oh how i wanted time to stop. just stand still. i thought about the day when there is no time. maybe something like...eternity?? yeah. i am excited for that.

then came work. oh work. if the truth be told the past month i come home almost everyday feeling defeated. some days it would take everything in me to push on. but today. finally. i walked away feeling accomplished. i sold my first item today. a hearts on fire enjoyment right hand ring to the most adorable elderly couple i have ever seen. the man was buying his wife of 50 years a new wedding ring after her not having one for 40 years. she lost hers after 10 years of marriage and actually can't remember how. haha. don't you love that? and my boss actually told me "good job." oh boy. halleluia people. honestly. halleluia. it hasn't all been in vain!

it's a beauty. i promise. or come see for yourself :) 


  1. I can always count on you cousy! :-) always enjoy reading your posts...xoxox

    p.s. people are saying my button isn't working...are you having that problem too?! **sigh. Why doesn't everything just work smoothly lol.

  2. This is so funny...We watched One Fine Day on Sunday night too! Great movie
