Mar 18, 2012

t.v. ---it affects our brains.

last night, daron and I watched the latest episode of grey's anatomy.
(if you don't want to know what happens...
stop right here.)
at the end, you find out owen is in fact cheating on his wife christina. 
very sad.
anyway, that's not the point.
the point is, i woke up this morning asking daron
(while still half asleep) 
if he had cheated on me.

i had this horrible dream that he cheated on me during 
our first 6 months of marriage (i won't reveal with who)
...then never told me...
then we got divorced. 
then we were getting remarried.
you know, weird dream stuff that feels so real
you find yourself feeling your dream is your
reality during the first 10 seconds of waking up.

needless to say, it was quite the relief to realize 
it was just a dream.

i found myself thinking about how much the things we let enter our brains
affects them. did you know that everything that enters our brains never leaves? we may not be able to recall it easily, but it is always there...filed away in the section that it belongs, forever. 
that's a long time...just sayin'.

i compare watching t.v. shows about wild infidelity and cheating to movies like this one (below.)
and i can't help to notice the difference my brain feels.

i will master time management.
i will master filling my time with those things that matter most,
those things of eternal value.
one day...i will.  
one step at a time. 


  1. Haha this happens to me, last night before bed we were watching Prison Break and all last night I dreamt my whole family was on the run! Good point about filling your brain with the good stuff!

  2. Hi! So I randomly found your blog a few weeks ago and it totally makes my days :) You're awesome! Just thought I would tell you that, I'm not trying to be creepy haha!
