Oct 10, 2013

yesterday it rained. which means, yesterday was awesome.

it rained here in southern california yesterday. it couldn't have come at a more perfect time. i was starting to lose my patience with the heat. i have always loved the rain here. i think it's because it's rare and spices things up a bit. it's a welcome change. i especially appreciated that i got to use the random umbrella i bought from target a month ago. it was 90 degrees outside when i bought it but i couldn't resist! daron, very confused, told me i would never use it. so, yesterday, i sent him these pictures.

and said, "bam! take that!" 

carter had lots of firsts as well. i introduced him to lovely things like fires in fireplaces, puddles, rain drops and rainbows. i wore a sweater (and boots!) and the best part, carter and i spent a lot of time next to the fire that roared in the kitchen allll day long. daron has a few long days at school -like 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. days- most of the time he comes in, eats, we chat and then we die in our beds. but like i said, the rain spices things up a bit. so this night, we laid out blankets next to the deliciously warm fire and recounted our day.

i love rain
roaring fires
new umbrellas
and husband.

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