Mar 23, 2011

Somethin' WHACKY

Poor Daron is sick again. 
It is crazy.
This is like the 4th time in 2 months!
It is so strange. I don't know what is wrong. 

Sunday night, I came down stairs to him watching a movie. He was doing the typical when he is sick. Laying/sleeping with toilet paper up his nose. He says it helps...??? To each their own right!?

(Look at that irresistible face)
That is his, "NURTURE ME!" face. 
(Which I am still working on...)

Last night, I had to get his computer from a neighbor's house. He had asked me earlier if we had a heating pad. I told him I thought I did somewhere.

When I came downstairs I found this.

ha ha ha.
If you can't tell, that is NOT a heating pad. It is my thermal spa cap that covers my hair when I use leave in conditioner! It is supposed to make your hair healthy and soft. I about died when I saw this. He goes, "This isn't a heating pad is it??"
Nope honey...not a heating pad.

Once he had his computer, he was up till about 11 working. (that is late for us)

I tried to snap a picture of him sleeping with his warm, wet towel that he loves on his head. 

He moved as I took the picture.  It was so sad. He looked so great. 
I don't know what is making him sick all of the time. He is eating healthier than he ever has! Somethin' is whacky. I just don't know what it is...we better figure it out soon though!
Sick Daron = Sad Daron


1 comment:

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