Jul 29, 2011

lake powell


- tubing with my sister courtney. we laughed so hard we could barely hold on. we are an expert team though. we have it down to a science how you make sure you get back in the wake for the insane waves.
- watching jackson (8) roll off the tube, pop out of the water, and say "did you see that!? i rolled of that tube like a tootsie roll!!!"
- spending "girl time" with kenzie and lauren (9 and 11)...talking about boys and girls, couples, school, friends and the most shocking...BRAS!
- the stars. how i can look at the sky all night. it is seriously incredible.
- games and games. rumicube with the ladies/moms.
- great conversation while having delicious dinners on top of the houseboat
- movie after movie
- kayaking with the girls. shaving on "shampoo rock"
- phone calls in the channel. my mom, courtney, and me would all go call our men.

the "lowlights":

- getting sick. i am perfectly fine...then we spend a night in the hotel and the air conditioner blows on me all night and i wake up with a soar throat and total congestion. the WORST! being sick in the summer is so strange.
- couldn't enjoy the amazing food and desserts. i knew i was sick when we had the costco size bag of peanut M&Ms and i didn't have ONE. that is not normal. i couldn't taste or smell anything. we made scones and every person that walked by them was drooling. I was the one making them and i couldn't smell a thing. total bummer.
- taking absolutely no pictures (leaving that up to the nice camera people...megs and lindsay :)
- the brown recluse.
- chugging cloves of garlic to get rid of my sickness. i actually think it helped.
- being husbandless
- NOT wake surfing. in my defense, no one ever went! so no opportunity was presented and we'll just say i didn't push it ha
- leaving as shalice, trevor, aaron, dad, jeremy, kristen, david, sydney, and austin all arrive.

this time at powell i was really reminiscing on all of the wonderful memories i have with this place. i literally have been going there since i was 5 years old. every year once and sometimes twice. i almost feel at home when i am there. and the coolest part is i have had my partner in crime ALL these years. is that incredible or what? L Ham and i have been going to powell together since day 1. i can't really describe how cool this is.

(dawson's finger haha)
anndddd lucky me married into a family that also hearts lake powell. it was meant to be...

Jul 28, 2011

parents for the night

it was hard to leave lake powell early. i have never had so much peer pressure in my life! people peer pressuring me every where to stay... but i knew the right thing to do was to come home to my husband...and so here i am. i received a phone call from b.j. that made my sad/missing lake powell heart much brighter. he asked daron and i to baby sit he and ellery's precious little one.

ellie layne has been our entertainment tonight and we're happy campers about it.
 (below is the 2nd video we took. it is crazy how every moment is adorable and you just want to catch every second! i can see myself going over board. there is not even anything exciting in this video but i have watched it 10 times already)

i am going to toot my husbands horn for .5 seconds and just say he is truly amazing with her. i don't really know how to describe it. i think the best word is: attentive. it made me laugh so hard every time ellie made the slightest  sound daron ran to the living room to see what was going on and to check on her. i teased him about it and he claims it was just an "excuse to see her." i personally think it's a combination of that and....we'll say...cautiousness. 

after we fed her she fell asleep again and so we took her to the basement with us to watch a movie. but before we could start it daron had to run upstairs and grab her bunny for her "because ellery said she likes it." like i said...attentive right!?

it is unfortuante, however, how we may have a skewed vision of what parenting is like considering baby ellie is such an easy baby. (don't worry ellery agrees) i can count on one hand the amount of times i have seen her fussy. daron said if our babies aren't as easy he is going to bring her over so "they can see a good example" haha he cracks me up. if only that would actually work..right??

i just love seeing these little glimpses of daron being a dad. it reminds me of how much we have to look forward to.

(pictures of ellie's blessing day)

Jul 23, 2011

last game...tear.

B.J.'s last game was a success. i am so happy to say that the year ended on a great note, which being totally honest, is quite a miracle. not the best season for BYU soccer but i have to say B.J. had quite the soccer career. he was one blessed boy. soccer brought him so many blessings and is something he will always cherish. and we will miss sitting in those stands for hours and hours, cheering, laughing, socializing, crying, screaming at players and refs...the memories will last forever. 

B.J. scored the first goal and did one of the best celebrations i have ever seen him do. his face was PRICELESS. i am so sad i do not have that moment for the rest of you because it would have made you very happy. we did, however, get him on the ground after he slid about 20 ft. and his team congratulating him. the skid marks lasted the whole game (haha that sentence is funny)

it was an absolutely beautiful night and the stands were PACKED. just look at all those people! we've never seen so many people at a game. my favorite part was when they took b.j. out with 5 minutes left and he waved to the stands saying his last goodbye. mama pugmire couldn't hold back the tears...

these days will be missed. but of course there is no doubt bigger and better things are ahead! here is to the future..CHEERS! :)

Jul 21, 2011


 started with a slumber party (my favorite thing)

the boys eating breakfast together- mid action. daron with his regular set up. plate of food with the news to entertain him.

ended with boating

daron wake surfed for the first time (again). i decided i am going to do it. this next week i am going to powell again with my family and i am going to take the plunge. i am going to wake surf. i have butterflies just thinking about it!!!!
i experienced a first...wearing a wet suit. exciting at first then very constricting. it felt weird but boy was i toasty in that water.


big day today. mama pugmire comes into town for B.J.'s last weekend of soccer at BYU. wow. thanks B.J. for all of the wonderful memories... how you have made us proud!!!

Jul 17, 2011

thumbelina turns 2!

isn't it great that this picture makes me LAUGH really hard. it was even funnier to see it saved under "chopped thumb" on my computer. every time i see it i think it looks like somebody just took an ax to it.
now that would be a story eh? a lot better than lamo wake surfing. oh well.

thumbelina and i really have grown close over these past 2 years. even though it does have an annoying callous that i cannot seem to get rid of and it sort of really drives me crazy we seem to bond quite nicely. no complaints. and today was extra special i tell you. thumbelina has gotten extra kisses and massages all day long from daron. this is heaven people. for some weird reason it feels so so good to have someone rub thumbelina forever. (to my dismay daron usually lasts 30 seconds...if im lucky. not today though! :) it gets almost claustrophobic and just like it needs to break free or something. like it has a head in there that just needs to pop out. i realize that may sound strange but what can i say. it's what im feeling.

so far my absolute favorite use of thumbelina is-

yes. ellie layne's binkie. oh baby, i just can't get enough of it. its a win win. my 1/2 a thumb calms her down (believe it or not) while she munches on it. and this feels incredibly good. if thumbelina came just so i could calm my babies down i am seriously okay with that.

my favorite part of introducing her to others is...when almost everyone (seriously, almost everyone) says "oh well it's a good thing you are right handed!! hahaha!" then i awkwardly say "uhh yeah i am actually left...
awkward pause...
i had no idea how rare us left handers are!

what is most interesting is to go back and read in my journal my thoughts right after this event happened.

(chicken scratch will be explained)

for some reason i am feeling extra open today. so i would love to share with you my journal entry from july 18, 2009 (the very next day)

               Today I write with my right hand b/c I can't write with my left. Yesterday my thumb got ripped off while I was waking surfing at powell. Can you believe that? I'm missing my left thumb now. I want to write a lot and say every detail of what happened and how I'm feeling but it's really difficult with my right hand. So I think I'll just get the main points down. 

I think I'm still in shock about what happened.  But truly I am okay. I can honestly say w/ in my heart I am not mad or angry that this happened to me. I understand that life has events like these. All that matters is what I do from here. I can't do anything about the freak accident...but I can control how I handle it...

I know Heavenly Father knew this was going to happen to me. And I know he has been watching out for me. I asked him in my prayers tonight if I promised to do my best to stay positive and be of good cheer if I could have an angel look out for me during the dark moments that I am sure will come. I also asked him to pour blessings upon all of my family and friends that have been praying for me. I can't express enough how grateful I am for them. I have and feel so much love and support it is incredible.

There is no doubt that July 17, 2009 changed my life forever. But I know it will be for the better. I am strong. I can do this. I believe I can b/c I have the Savior and the atonement on my side. I know the atonement is real. It can and will heal me. I can become emotionally stronger if I rely on the Savior. He is there for me. And the best part is I know, one day, when I am resurrected I will get a new one :) how freaking cool is that. I love this gospel and I am so grateful it is a part of my life...I don't know what I'd do w/0 it...

Love always,
Dani Bree Pugmire

 as i typed that i am realizing that was quite a lot to write for a newly thumbless person. and if you are wondering why it is signed by myself i don't know really know why. i just made a habit of doing that in my journal ever since i started writing in one. so every journal entry ends like that. also, i am pretty sure it does not make a lot of "grammatical" sense but i wrote it word for word and hey, i was drugged. 

i am glad i was preparing for darker moments to come because oh boy did they come...the forced smiles while not being able to cut my own food, the barfing episodes and the very sad tears of when i first saw him (thumbelina switches from being a guy and a girl, just go with it). my favorite favorite part was telling Daron on his 23rd birthday that Heavenly Father did in fact send me an angel and that angel was him. words cannot express how grateful i am for that blessing He gave me. what a different experience it would have been.

well here is to 2 years thumbelina. i can't wait for the 108 more. how grateful i am for YOU and that you are ONLY A 1/2 OF A THUMB. i am very very lucky. TRUE amputees are my HEROES.

so long!

Jul 16, 2011

a fluffy surprise

i realize some fury animal would probably fit this title better than cupcakes. but you wouldn't be thinking that if you tasted them. these were the FLUFFIEST, softest, most yummy yummy cupcakes. i was shocked. only because i am not a cupcake person. (which i always feel is unfortunate since i swear there is a new cupcake store popping up everywhere i go.) we got them from our little sunbeam Nixon. Him and his mom brought them over. he is adorable. one of the 11 that daron and i have. 

and let's be honest, i had to document about these delicious cupcakes because they brought me such wonderful, candid pictures that will always make me laugh. daron devouring the cupcake hardly able to tell me if they were good or breathe for that matter. maybe cupcakes should replace the cookies i do for my "go to" dessert...what do you think?

 i wish i had more.

Jul 15, 2011

lost pup

i'm crying. I drooled over this bathing suit for days.
i wanted it so bad but I couldn't muster up the courage
(or money) to buy it. it's a betsey johnson one piece tank
and let's face it...it just has my personality all over it.

i called my mom seeking advice of whether i should do it.
i went back and forth and back and forth (promising daron
if he let me buy this bathing suit i wouldn't buy one for a
very long time). finally i decide i would do it and come to
find out the last one sold hours before. that's what being
indecisive brings you!
what a bust.

(i also want this bathing suit SO BAD. but my mama says it's too
low. fine...i guess i agree. haha jk. i know it is. but i still secretly
want it...

puerto rico is in 2 weeks. every day i click through pictures
that make me want July 30th to be here NOW.
that is the first day of our week vacation to the island.
with the pyfers and jewkes. going to be a blast?
i'd say so.

however, i am sort of panicking. i haven't bought a new
bathing suit in 2 years. mine are old and worn out. i just want
ONE new one. but i can't seem to find one that just brings piece
to my soul (while not being less than $150). i seriously need a
shopper. i need support. a list of things i need (okay wants) include:

-bathing suit (as already mentioned)
-sun hat
-sun glasses
-cover ups
-sandels (rainbows can only go with so many outfits)
...amd more.


the problem is i honestly have no idea where to get them. the mall i guess.
i mean, i obviously know of stores that carry these things but i have no idea
which stores i like, besides everything but water which is only in CA. so
i basically feel like a loss pup that needs to just bite the bullet and go shopping.
seriously don't know how to do that, i have gone to the mall alone once in my
life and my normal routine is to go with my sisters and mom and they tell me
where to go and what looks cute. the funny thing is...for me big decisions are
NBD. the small ones, DRIVE.ME.CRAZY.

wish me luck :)

Jul 12, 2011

christmas morning!

in looking for a measuring tape in my closet i found a wonderful surprise. 3 presents! no, not from this past christmas but yes, the christmas before that (christmas of 2009). i have a problem. my mom (and daron) always get mad at me because i will have clothes and keep the tags on them for years (not wearing them of course). i just forget about them! and i will say it is one nice surprise when you just randomly find them a year and half later.  {it's like finding a $20 dollar bill in your pocket...or a $1 dollar bill for that matter}

just look at these precious goodies i found.

mac make up.

adorable headband.

and this cute anthro necklace.

to top it all off, my husband had to stay home with me this morning to help the guys out working in our basement. such a treat. its weird how spending time with each other during the day when you normally don't just makes that time feel extra special. like you are being rebellious. especially when you sneak in an episode of the bachelorette you missed...

(JP, my man. for ashley of course)

surprises. i love them.

Jul 7, 2011

i might have to learn how to ride a horse before we buy one

okay, so i am totally disappointed because i SWEAR this horse (sunny was his name) was going A LOT faster than this video shows. and for some reason i cannot stay in a saddle. im like a bobble head trying to stay strapped in and i feel like i am going to fall off. unfortunately this is not going to be good evidence that we, indeed need horses.

but i will say it was a blast. by the time i got comfortable on the horse we had to leave :( hopefully that is a reason for us to go back. that and the fact that daron couldn't be there.

that darn pony, George (that dawson was on) was causing problems. he was only 1 years old and wasn't broken in yet. dawson took the other black horse for a trot right past him and made him run while addie was on him. she flew off, did a back flip, and almost landed on her neck. after some tears, courtney grabbed her and said "alright addie, time to get back on" .....there wasn't any messin' around.

and the shocker is, she eventually did! we are so proud. the old cowboy adage "you get bucked off a horse, you get back on"...supposedly if you don't you will forever be scared. all i can say is addie is my hero. there is no way in you know where i'd be hoppin' back on that thing if i got bucked off. i was terrified as it was. until the end...

look at the smile... i was havin' a ball :)

something i am really grateful for is that i was able to experience both the city and the country as a little girl. i learned that both are great and have things to appreciate about them. it taught me that there isn't just one place to live and that there is, in fact, exciting things outside of CA. which i think some people there don't catch on to. there are great things about the country that i absolutely love. like the good old "hometown drive in"

delicious shakes and greasy hamburgers from a small town. this has my childhood written all over it. there is a peaceful feeling in these places that i love. you feel as though there isn't a care in the world.

welp, goin to lake power now. later.

Jul 4, 2011

hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of july

those of us who live in this country have a lot to be grateful for. that is all i could think about this weekend. how blessed daron and i are and how i hope we never take the freedom and liberties we enjoy for granted. i felt myself almsot brought to tears thinking about what an incredible blessing this is.

these past few days have been filled with basketball, soccer, bbq, swimming, eating, talking, with more eating and more talking, and the best of all family. everyone is leaving and we are very sad. we are already
    looking forward to next time. our independence day was filled with exactly what it should be... we were
   surrounded by those we love and feeling very proud of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.                 

Jul 2, 2011

the fam bam

is HERE. and it's even better than i remember. i forgot about male bonding, delicious/yummy/to die for home cooked food, family walks, laughter laughter laughter, friends A.K.A the kizerian family, games (mafia) and my favorite...these bare buns.

ooo, i just want to squeeze em'

-no sleep? CHECK
-chatting non stop? CHECK

even though i have not been this tired in a very very long time, i just can't help but soak it alllllllll in.

especially moments like this...