Oct 8, 2015


As Carter got older, he got more interested in helping me in the kitchen. I always imagined cooking with my kids but I didn't realize how much patience it would take, especially in the toddler stage. Inevitably, Carter would randomly dump salt out of the "big hole" into something that did not need salt, break a few eggs, tip over the olive oil bottle, etc... A lot of times I was relieved when he would choose to play with his toys or books or even watch a show instead of ask to cook with me.
About a year ago though, I came across this sweet video. After I watched it, I had a strong impression that I should be better about letting Carter cook with me. I remember taking a deep breath and thinking this was going to take a lot of patience since dinner time is already hectic and the messes his busy, tiny hands could create were quite daunting!
These days, it's become routine that at some point he comes and helps me make dinner and he always bakes with me. 

Every night at dinner he proudly exclaims to Daron, "Daddy! I made dinner for you!" 

{Somehow he forgets about me, haha!}

Last Friday, we made these pumpkin chocolate chip cookies together and we had the best time. I loved watching him say, "Mom I love making cookies!" and "Mom, look how strong I am." It was so cute to watch him be so proud of being in charge of the mixer and don't even get me started on the way his cheeks droop as he is concentrating(!!!!)
Friday was one of those days where I got to witness progress. It's rewarding to see how small efforts can turn into big things. Now, it's official that I have a little helper! For the first time, I think we finished things faster because he was helping me. Cheers to that!
Now onto figuring out how to make my house not look like a bomb went off after we bake. Anyone have any tips on that?

The random recipe we used {from Pinterest of course here}

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