Sep 30, 2011

"an unforgettable birthday"

are you wondering how in the world i am doing a 3rd post about my birthday?
don't worry. you'll see why.

.the day was filled with loved ones, presents and happiness.
and lovely roses from daron. the most beautiful bouquet of roses and flowers i have ever seen.
 this is only half of them! there is another vase filled to the brim.
there are roses in the kitchen. roses in our bedroom. roses everywhere.
i forgot how much i love flowers. 
just their presence makes me happier.

throughout the day, my mom kept calling me asking me if i had received her "envelope" yet.
i couldn't figure out why a letter was so pressing until i read it. 
im saying it.
i have the best mom in the world.
the best/most wonderful/greatest mother.
she does outrageous things.
and i LOVE it.
 she makes me think that these outrageous things are normal, when they aren't.
and then my husband thinks i have a warped sense of reality. because i do.
because my mom does things like flying me into CA for one day.
so i can hang out with my sisters, and go shopping, and ride bikes at the beach
but at the same time not get fired by my boss for missing a weekend
a month into work. 
she is my example of living life to the fullest. 
and to...(the famous JaLayne line)
go big. or go home.
haha. oh mom. i love you.
you told me you wanted to make my birthday "unforgettable."
and i want you to know you succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
hence why i started crying when i called to thank you. 
the happy tears could not be stopped.

{it's also important to note that these "outrageous things" come in extremely handy.
if it wasn't for her, daron and i would have never started dating.
and consequently, not be married.
another story for another time.

well, i was scared of 22. i really was. seems like such a blah age
but i have to say 22...you have been good to me so far.
(at least for the whole 24 hours :)

Sep 29, 2011

year 22. day 1.

 is off to a good start!
by 9:30 my brithday was already on a roll.
i woke up to a birthday hat, a birthday horn (is what i call them :), balloons, and streamers!
you would have thought a girl snuck in and done it all. 
but nope just my adorable husband.
who woke up at 4:00 just so he could finish everything before i woke up.
(he even had them on the refrigerator door handles!) that cracked me up.
and the first present of the day.
under a blanket.
last year daron threw a blanket over my present for me to open.
i died laughing. such a boy thing to do.
he decided to make it tradition.

and, it's a new purse! 
a new yellow purse in fact.
apparently, yellow is the "in" color for fall.
i had no idea.
and i am pretty sure daron didn't either.
the credit of that most likely goes to his sisters and mom.
they are the best.
now daron can love my purse instead of grumble at it.
yay for happy non-grumbling husbands. i like those.
i also like husbands that feed me kneaders delicious to-die-for french toast.
i like that any day really. but especially on my birhtday!
next on the agenda: 
eat lunch with l-ham.
eat dessert and paint nails with jessie bessie
eat dinner with family
eat more dessert at game night
i am seeing a pattern here are you?
good thing birthdays come only once a year!

Sep 28, 2011

boys and girls. it's birthday week.

Day 1: daron waking me up yelling "birthday week! birthday week! birthday week!" also with a small, absolutely wonderful present that i have wanted for a long time. a one year subscription to the ensign. haha but seriously i am so excited. we already read an insightful article for FHE.
Day 2: daron surprises with me an already planned date in october. agenda: make chocolate chip pumpkin bread, chocolate chip pumpkin cookies, chocolate chip pumpkin muffins, chocolate chip pumkpkin everything. then a pumpkin patch and corn maze. oh boy oh boy, i love chocolate chips and pumpkin. together. and fall. and halloween. i'll stop there.
Day 3: a much needed gift. (i have said this a million times but my husband is truly the best gift giver. he actually gives me things i need but also wants at the same time. it is the craziest thing and something i admire and wish i had) gift = a new make up bag. oh if you could only see my old one. it basically accounts as garbage. daron got me one that is able to be small and travel too. and since i do my make up every day (and i mean every. day.) on the way to work. this is necessary.


i think birthdays are a big deal. could you tell?

Sep 21, 2011

a book worm's series of unfortunate events

these books...when i am done with them it will be a weight off my shoulders. Goldsmith Co. Jewelers is closed almost this entire week due to the owner and other sales associates being in vegas for a "prestigious diamond training." i was left here to study my eye balls out. i am supposed to be done with both of these books (and an online biology test for BYU) by Friday...sahhwweeettt. 

unfortuanately, due to non-stop studying the past 3 days, my brain is on overload and the tiniest things are a struggle. let me give you an example of just 2. 

example #1- as i was studying i was drinking non-stop. i don't really know why. there is a refigerator with lots of bottled water in the study room and i guess i just kept drinking because there was nothing else to do. this lead to me having to go to the bathroom alot. alot alot. one time, as i was running to the bathroom, i realize that i can't go because our office girl, Jen, is cleaning it. so i say "oh nevermind! i will go when you are done." 20 min. later...she is done. (finally!) i run to go. the phone rings...she is busy with a different customer. i play tug-a-war in my head. do i leave jen overloaded or help her out? fine. i will answer the phone. the 1 phone call turns into 3 phone calls...upset customers that the store is closed. it's been another 20 minutes. i am dying now. there is a reason my mom called me "peanut bladder" my entire life. my bladder is the size of a peanut. im convinced that it's smaller. finally, im off the phone. i run to the bathroom. slam the door shut, rip down my pants and go. then, i scream. freak out actually. because i missed just one very small detail. the toilet lid was down...yes. down. not up. DOWN!!!!!!

 hahaha. oh man, you can imagine how this worked out for me. i won't go into details and we'll just say..it didn't! but i did laugh. very very hard. 

example #2- (one hour later) i drive to jessica's house to hang out with her. i have to, of course, go to the bathroom again. she isn't home yet so i call her and tell her my predicament. she says to go on ahead inside, the back door is open. so then i call L-ham and we're just talking about life and i go to open the backdoor but i can't. it's stuck on something. i look inside and see piles and piles of clothes. "wow, jess and her roommates seriously need to do laudry" i say to linday. i climb over the clothes, walk through the laundry room and open the door to the kitchen. the kitchen looks as if it has been hit by a cyclone. clothes, food, boxes everywhere. and it dawns on me. THIS IS NOT JESSICA'S HOUSE. suddenly, there are voices. i can hear them coming upstairs. im freaking out(again). lindsay is whispering on the phone "what is going on!?" im trying not to curse. because, well, i am terrified this random person is going to catch me dead smack in the middle of their kitchen floor.

im happy to say, i busted open the laundry room door, jumped over the clothes, and ran out the back before anybody caught me. phew! haha (that is an understatement).

                                                           (c'mon...these look similar..right!?)
welp. i won't confuse them next time. i made note. this tree = jessica's house. no more scary neighbor's house. no no more.

have you had a scatter brain lately? if you have, maybe i can make you feel better? :)

Sep 19, 2011

[boys not allowed]

you know when that wonderful time of the month is just about here when:
~you have these
and left over peanut butter cookies for breakfast.....

~or when your dinner is in a mixing bowl because it does not fit into a normal bowl.
~or when you make your husband leave with you at 9:45 at night, drive like a mad woman, speeding..swerving..etc...so you can have this. because, well, you just "NEED it, so bad"
~or how about when you dominate your cafe rio salad down to the last morsel and ask what is for dessert...?
~or when you find something wrong out of nothing
~or when you feel like a whale and a rhinoceros put together
~or when you get overwhelmed by the drop of a hat
~or when your to-do list looks like it has elephant sized tasks on it, when in reality, they are very simple
~or when every decision you make is an emotional one, instead of logical
~or when you cry watching "mean girls" and "real housewives of orange county." specifically, at the part when lindsay lohan gets hit by the bus. yes, that is when i cried. wow. that is embarrassing.

am i the only one that feels this way??

hormones. they are real. oh yes they are. unfortunately. but i am not sure how long i can blame my craziness on them. and tell myself "well, my metabolism is working extra hard right now...so..."

[a shout out to my husband. he will receive extra kisses tomorrow for being so patient and so kind. and also, a round of applause from me to the males of the world. you are blessed souls.]


Sep 18, 2011

sunday random nonsense

our sunday adventure = walking around the neighborhood--- spotting a Lamborghini that daron couldn't stop gawking at (you know i know nothing about cars when i just spelled Lamborghini, "lambergini". or maybe i don't know how to spell. both are possible), running into our friendly ward friends, soaking in the sunshine and exploring the new model home. it was a beautiful day here in lehi, utah. (ooo did you catch that? a shout out to utah's weather :)

i just can't help but wonder about this ridiculous microwave? i know i am not the tallest of the bunch...but who in the world is this made for?? i cannot think of any reason why this would make sense. and neither could daron. which really means it probably doesn't make sense...

but luckily the home was decorated with iridescent butterflies, gorgeous flatware and fun pillows to almost make up for it.

sunday company included: L-ham, brycen, jessica, and anna. we ate heaping fulls of pasta and peanut butter cookies. distressed oursevles by watching a documentary on the conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 (yes, that was definitely all daron), caught up on each other's life and basically just enjoyed oursevles. what sundays are for.

happy new week! it's going to be a good one.

Sep 14, 2011


hmm... what to say about work...
"roller coaster..?" 
yup. i think that pretty much sums it up for now. 
wonderful place. wonderful people.
but HELLO learning curve. who knew everything
that goes into a diamond ring. i sure didn't.

when daron first got his job a year ago, i would discuss with him
all the time how he has to resist eating out lunch every day because of how
it would add up (negatively) in our bank account.
oh boy, how i laugh at myself now.
i was so hard on him.
i had NO IDEA how hard it was not to eat out. i have eaten out everyday (lunch and dinner)
until yesterday. and its the worst having to bring your own dinky lunch. your co-workers just come in from buying their lunch at gurus, Einsteins, cafe rio, mountain west burrito, j-dawgs, you get the picture.   
and there i sit, with my apple, plum, and peach
(and whatever else random thing i snapped from my fridge that morning)
looking like the loser. 

i took the above picture of the sun on my way home from work yesterday.
i couldn't believe how beautiful it looked. 
and then, i couldn't believe that that was the first time i was seeing the sun that entire day.
i literally don't know what the weather is like during the day. it is so strange.

i do have to say though, that big D has stepped it up.
ever since this post, he has let me cuddle with him almost every single night.
there have even been a couple of nights where he has had dinner ready for me
when i got home.(!!!) that a boy!! right!?

i am noticing that our days are starting to feel like they are blurring by. all too quickly...
but hey, i guess that is how it is in the big people world right?
luckily we humans are pretty darn good at adjusting.
and like my mom always says, 
"the only constant thing in life is change"
so i guess we better get used to it and enjoy the ride, even when it is a roller coaster. 

Sep 11, 2011

heaven is for real

 i haven't been able to stop thinking about this little boy's story since i heard it last monday at my parent's house. meet Colton Burpo (if you haven't already). his story is that at 3 years old, he almost died from a ruptured appendix. doctors were trying to save him when his spirit left his body on the operating table.

call me gullable, call me ignorant, whatever you like. i've read multiple articles saying it's a croc but i believe the little munchkin' and think it is quite awesome. his story makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. below is his full interview on dateline.
i love when he describes heaven. he says there are colors in heaven that he can't describe because we have never seen them before. and the whole describing his grandfather and sister he had never met!? pretty interesting if you ask me, no matter how you look at it.

but my favorite part is when he describes Jesus. i have never seen Him but i know he is real and that he lives. and when i hear people describe him exactly how i picture him it gives me chills. it also makes me think about the day i will meet Him. and what a wonderful day that will be.

my mind also immediately thinks of our sunbeam class. today we had the greatest time asking them questions and getting their hilarious answers back. my favorite was when we asked them -
"okay, if you guys had to leave your house behind and move with your family across the plains, what is the one thing you would take with you?"

Braydon: "my toys."

Vaughn: "a gun so i could shoot all the ghosts that try to get me."

Nixon: "well, if i was a girl, i would have to say my purse."

Jyll: "my scriptures."

Jack: "oh oh! i know! a super hero cape, so that i could protect myself and fly." (Jack also informed us that if we go to sleep, we get big and tall for disneyland :)

Olivia: "my own pack of bubble gum."

oh how the list could go on and on. daron and i sometimes have a really hard time getting back on track after some of the things they say. we can't help but laugh! but then as fast as they make us laugh they can make you cry. one minute they are saying the silliest thing, the next they are showing you just how much we (know-it-all adults) can learn from them and just how little we actually do know.

one thing i have learned from teaching these precious little ones is that they love with their whole heart. doesn't matter what you look like or who you are, tall, short, wealthy or poor, you are loved as the Savoir loves.

and of course, what a wonderful thing to remember for all those who were so greatly affect 10 years ago. that yes, in fact, "heaven is for real."

Sep 8, 2011

post vacation blues

this morning did not go so well. not terrible. but not good. 
i had a very ambitious plan to get up at 5:30 to:
-read scriptures
-work out
-grocery shop
-get ready for the first "real 1st day" of work
-stop by L-ham's due to a blonde moment
-and (here's the kicker) arrive to work on time

my morning:
-alarm goes off... for 2 hours. the first time i hear it is at 7:20 
(there goes the first 3 items on my list and possibly my husband)
it is all i can do to get ready, stop by L-hams and be at work on time.
morning is rushed. i know i am not getting any breakfast because i did not make it to the grocery store.
bad mood starts. this chic does not skip breakfast. ever.

L-ham kindly dyed my hair last night. 

a drop of color happened to land on my face.
i thought "NBD" i'll scrub it off in the morning.
how naive of me. 10 minutes of hard core scrubbing, not a spec has gone.
i am pleading with daron to help me. when he finally does he yells "oh my gosh, it dyed the hair on your face!"
(my peach fuz people...)
and the next thing i know... there is a razor shaving my face.
(WOW. this morning is not going well)

now in the car, loadsss of traffic. there would be.
i arrive at lindsays. the GEM of a person makes a smoothie for me because she knows i didn't get breakfast
(can you believe that?? i have the most amazing friends)
she runs out with the book that i needed and a beautiful smoothie. 
then, starving, i gorge myself with way too large of a spoon full and PLOP!
onto my new dress ;) oh how lovely.
screaming and panic. is all i could remember.
however, once again. L-ham rescues me by grabbing a week old towel from my car
and successfully removing all the smoothie leaving only a dark spot. 
which, for the situation, was pretty darn great.
(don't you love when you do a bad thing a.k.a not clean out your car and it turns out being very handy?? i sure do) 
i arrive at work. 5 minutes late. oh so close!

my co-worker makes fun of me. says my dress makes me looks like i have a 
for reals. can a girl get a break!?
no..not in the cards today. 
the whole wear a slip thing may have slipped my mind while getting
the brown spot/razor off my face.

have you ever noticed how vacations are like this!? you have the time of your life
but then life just comes swingin' at you with a sledge hammer. 
oh glory...i can't say i take it back though. no no i can't.

Sep 6, 2011

labor day

spent how it should be. in the pool.
i have to say having your parents own 2 houses is obviously not an ideal situation. (especially when they are right next door to each other). i am sure my parents would rather only own 1. and for a while now, ever since the fire victims left, we have been praying that the old house would sell.

i don't know how i am going to pray for that anymore... because having 2 houses right next to each other is about the coolest idea ever invented. i just didn't know it.

our morning started out with jumping off the patio at the old house 

then moved to catch the football or belly flop at the new house

oh baby! can we say we got a MJ up in here! 

(father like son)

credit to b.j. for literally throwing the football probably 100 times.
he was like the energizer bunny.
he wasn't so lucky this round
(the rest of the pictures show a pretty nice belly flop)
but he redeemed himself, no worries

addie's face is priceless.
i can't get enough of it.
she just has this TINY little body that never stops.
don't be fooled by her size though, this is one determined little sucker.
she didn't stop until she caught it
(ignore me fixing my bathing suit)

i thought i was pretty cool the first round.
but then i was told i got an easy throw

needless to say i was just a little a lot off on the next 2. 
but finally redeemed myself on the 3rd.
(3rd times a charm right? :)
my face is so hideous. but so funny. 
at least it makes me laugh.

and i am happy to say i saved the best for last people.
can we just compare for one second my man facial expressions and arms with my awkward jumps
to ellery's graceful leaps, pointed toes, feminine arms and huge smile???
haha i am pretty sure these pictures exemplify "us"
quite perfectly.

sooooooooooo we said goodbye to california. daron and i lived it up by spending our last night sleeping outside on the couch. just enjoying the warm, humid air while taking in the view. we will miss being surrounded by all the little munchkins and having something to do every second of every day. even if that something is lying on the kitchen floor and doing nothing.

utah was good to us, by welcoming us home with pouring rain! :) i am being a little sarcastic but i shouldn't be because we really are excited to embark on the new adventures fall will bring us. daron is ready for the cold air. i am grappling on to any heat and sun i can get. summer was just too short for my liking this year. it felt like a teaser. before i know it i will be drudging through the lovely snow. (sarcasm again...for some reason i am having a hard time controlling myself) and fighting off the bitter cold.

however, there is fall before that. and utah has quite a wonderful fall. and even though i already miss the fam, they are coming in 2 weeks. daron and i are so spoiled. i really have nothing to complain about. so i'll stop with the nonsense. hope everyone had a happy happy labor day. here is to a short week!!