are you wondering how in the world i am doing a 3rd post about my birthday?
don't worry. you'll see why.
.the day was filled with loved ones, presents and happiness.
and lovely roses from daron. the most beautiful bouquet of roses and flowers i have ever seen.
this is only half of them! there is another vase filled to the brim.
there are roses in the kitchen. roses in our bedroom. roses everywhere.
i forgot how much i love flowers.
just their presence makes me happier.
throughout the day, my mom kept calling me asking me if i had received her "envelope" yet.
i couldn't figure out why a letter was so pressing until i read it.
im saying it.
i have the best mom in the world.
the best/most wonderful/greatest mother.
she does outrageous things.
and i LOVE it.
she makes me think that these outrageous things are normal, when they aren't.
and then my husband thinks i have a warped sense of reality. because i do.
because my mom does things like flying me into CA for one day.
so i can hang out with my sisters, and go shopping, and ride bikes at the beach
but at the same time not get fired by my boss for missing a weekend
a month into work.
she is my example of living life to the fullest.
and to...(the famous JaLayne line)
go big. or go home.
haha. oh mom. i love you.
you told me you wanted to make my birthday "unforgettable."
and i want you to know you succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
hence why i started crying when i called to thank you.
the happy tears could not be stopped.
{it's also important to note that these "outrageous things" come in extremely handy.
if it wasn't for her, daron and i would have never started dating.
and consequently, not be married.
another story for another time.
well, i was scared of 22. i really was. seems like such a blah age
but i have to say 22...you have been good to me so far.
(at least for the whole 24 hours :)